Since November, I’ve been considering myself of a bit of work in progress. For the first months, it was definitely a fallow field, cocooning and reading and resting. But now my energy levels are up, and I’m excited about the potential options that are ahead.
I’ve been working with a career center to see what options are out there, but in the meantime, I’m itching to get back to working on some manuscripts. So I’m going to see about freelancing. If you’re interested in working with me, I’ve definitely got the free time at the moment!
This site is also currently a work in progress. I’m taking some classes and courses on how to improve it, and if you come back you’ll see some changes as I learn about what I want to do and how I’m also improving myself. So welcome, recommend some good books, tell some great stories, and we'll see what comes out for this spring.
Thanks for stopping by--and I’d love some feedback so I can improve!